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Cookie policy

1. General

At Rentalbuddy AB, we use cookies and similar technologies (collectively referred to as "cookies") on our websites and in our services to enhance your experience when you visit us and to analyze traffic to our services. Below, we explain in more detail how we use cookies and the choices you can make regarding our cookies. Please also see our Privacy Policy (available via the Terms and Policies page) on our websites regarding the handling of your

personal data.

2. What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files with information stored on the user's computer or on another device used for visits to our websites. These are sent from our or our partners' web servers and saved on your device. Cookies are used to make websites work more efficiently, for example, by simplifying login, but also to provide certain information to the owner of the website about its use.

  1. What types of cookies and similar technologies does Rentalbuddy AB use?

  • Rentalbuddy AB uses cookies for several purposes. The cookies we use enhance the services we offer you. Some of our services need cookies to function, while others exist to make our services smoother for you. Generally, we categorize our cookies and their use as follows:

  • Session cookies, i.e., temporary cookies that are deleted when you close your web browser. We use session cookies, among other things, to determine which language you as a user have chosen. Session cookies are necessary to offer our basic services, which would not work without these cookies.

  • Persistent cookies, i.e., cookies that remain on your computer until you remove them or they expire. How long a persistent cookie is stored depends on the specific cookie's lifespan and your browser settings. We use persistent cookies, among other things, to simplify your login to our services, to save settings such as language choices and sorting orders, to enable pre-filling of your information, and more. Without these types of cookies, we would not be able to tailor our services to your preferences.

  • First-party cookies are cookies set by Rentalbuddy AB on our own websites. Session cookies and persistent cookies mentioned above are examples of such first-party cookies.

  • Third-party cookies are analysis cookies that belong to Rentalbuddy AB's marketing and analysis partners. These cookies provide overall analytical information regarding your use of our services, such as how you use our websites, which pages you visit on the websites, and which services you book.

  • These cookies allow us to improve the experience for you as a user by tailoring marketing actions such as keyword marketing and banner advertising, based on statistics.

    4. Specifically about analysis data/sharing of web statistics with third parties

When you visit Rentalbuddy AB's website, Rentalbuddy AB (and sometimes also partners to Rentalbuddy AB) use cookies to manage information about your website visit. When you visit Rentalbuddy AB's websites, information about page views, for example, which service provider you have visited, is sent to Rentalbuddy AB's analytical tools and advertising partners.

Rentalbuddy AB may also share information about bookings and purchases you make if you found one of Rentalbuddy AB's websites by clicking on an advertisement link on a website connected to an affiliate network with which Rentalbuddy AB cooperates. Affiliate networks are companies that mediate digital ads from advertisers to website owners. In these cases, information about transaction ID and any booking is shared with the network to administer any compensation for the advertising. This information is pseudo-anonymized and cannot be linked to you as an individual.

5. Individual cookies on Rentalbuddy's website for sharing data with third parties and how you can control the use of cookies

Your browser or device allows you to change the settings for the use and extent of cookies. Go to the settings of your browser or device to learn more about how to adjust the settings for cookies. You can, for example, choose to block all cookies, only accept first-party cookies, or delete cookies when you close your web browser. Keep in mind that some of our services may not work if you block or delete cookies.

  • Google
    The information is used for Rentalbuddy AB and its partners to collect statistics around usage and show the most relevant ads for you. This applies to ads on Google's search engine, but also other ads in Google's network. The information is also used to show the right ads and services for you on Google's partner sites.

    Storage time: 24 months


  • Facebook
    The information is used for Rentalbuddy AB and its partners to optimize marketing, for example by showing relevant ads for you on Facebook.


  • LinkedIn
    The information is used for Rentalbuddy AB and its partners to optimize marketing, for example by showing relevant ads for you on LinkedIn.

    In addition to these, first-party cookies are used for basic functionality to work as described above.

    6. Changes to our cookie policy

Rentalbuddy AB may update this policy by publishing changes on its website. If we need your consent, we will specifically request it the next time you visit the website.

Date of last change: 2024-02-14

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us at

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